Sunday, July 29, 2007


I'm a part of a local mom's group called Lake Norman Mommies. We are doing a fundraiser right now for a local childrens charity. Our group comes out and places a "flock" of flamingos in your yard with a sign and you pay to have them come back and take them away. So for John-William's birthday they brought out the flock and put some balloons out for him too. He thought it was great. The funniest part was Bella our great dane is terrified of them :)


For John William 's birthday he wanted a Wii. We have been looking for one for a few weeks. It just so happened that our local Best Buy was getting a shipment in today. So we loaded everyone up and stood in line for about an hour and he got his Wii. He was so excited. So was his daddy. This afternoon all we have done is play games. It came with boxing, bowling, tennis, golf and baseball. It's really neat.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Present Time

John William opening gifts at his family party.

Papa and Sophie bowling

John William's 8th birthday

Here is John William's Transformer birthday cake. He had a bowling party with all of his friends. It was so much fun!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sophie in her spoiled by my daddy shirt

Today is our first quiet day all week. It's almost 9 and Lexie is still sleeping. I wish the other 2 would sleep in. But no such luck. John-William is turning 8 in just a few days. We're having a bowling party for all his friends and then a family party tomorrow night. Ben's parents are coming into town to celebrate with us. He's getting a Wi for his birthday. He's so excited.
Last weekend Ben and I went to Charleston for a long weekend. It was so much fun. I actually got blisters from all the walking we did. It was nice to be alone without the kids and just enjoy some alone time. Summer is almost over. The kids start school Aug. 20th. It's time to start shopping for uniforms and school supplies. The kids are going to be attending a new school this year. The tuiton at Statesville Christian was going up and it was such a long drive. We found a wonderful Christian school only 10 minutes from the house that I never knew was there. Because of the tuition hike quite a few of the kids from Statesville are changing schools so Lexie and John-William will have friends in their new classes. Sophie will be starting preschool 3 mornings a week at a local church. I can't wait. She's so excited about going to a big girl school like her brother and sister.