Monday, October 27, 2008

Almost There

Lexie and JW didn't have school Friday so I took them to see High School Musical 3. Sophie went to Kimie's to play with Jack. She loves to go play with her cousins. I loved the movie! It was so cute and fun. There were some older girls from school there and Lexie tried to pretend that I wasn't with her. So fun to have a preteen! Lexie spent the night at my mom and dads so she could work on her history project some more. Thanks so much mom! I don't know if I have the patience to help the kids right now. Saturday, Lexie had an all day birthday party for her friend Meredith to go to. Ben,JW, Sophie and I spent the day at the new house. I decided to spend the weekend and clean it myself. Ben worked all weekend on fixing up the tile in the master bath and a list of other things. My dad came over and was a huge help! He painted Lexie's office and did a ton of other things. Jack and Sophie had a bowling party for a preschool friend on Sunday. Kimie took Sophie for me so I could finish up at the house. Plans have changed a little bit and it looks like we're closing on Friday. I can't wait to get in, get unpacked, and stop living in chaos!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Weekend

We had a busy, productive weekend. It finally started to feel like fall outside. We really enjoyed the beautiful cool weather. Saturday, Ben and the kids stayed outside all day. Ben worked in the garage and the kids rode their bikes and followed him around. I finished packing up the girls room. That was quite a project! There were so many "treasures" to be found under beds and in the closet. Lexie's missing retainer was under Sophie's bed. I'm suprised it hadn't become a chihuahua treat. Saturday night I went to the movies and dinner with a wonderful friend. Mendi has offered to keep all 3 kids overnight for us the weekend we move. She has 4 of her own monkeys running around. She's been a good friend for a long time, our kids have grown up together. They'll have so much fun. We spent Sunday doing the same things.
The house stuff is really moving along. We ordered our blinds Fri. Hopefully they'll be ready in time for our move. This week Ben is going to be doing some work at the new house. It's been sitting empty for 2 years and is now home to millions of spiders. Not my favorite thing! Ben is going to be killing bugs, painting and installing a water filtration system on the house before we move in. Next week I have someone coming in to clean everything before we move. There's so much going on that it's hard to sleep at night. I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Disney on Ice

Sophie and Daddy

Disney on Ice

Yummy snowcone

Ariel and Prince Eric


Ben and I took our little princess to see Disney on Ice for her birthday this weekend. She loved it! We had great seats, 3rd row, so she could see everything. She stood up and danced most of the show. Her favorite part was when they dropped confetti down.

We're getting closer and closer to our move. It's overwhelming! Packing is almost done. Our house is stacked with boxes in everyroom. Ben has been making tons of trips to Goodwill for me. We had the home inspection done and are finishing up all the small details. I meet the blind guy from Lowes tomorrow to get everything measured. Ben has a bunch of wonderful friends at work that have offered to help us move. Only 2 more weeks to go!

Friday, October 10, 2008

14 years

Today is our anniversary. The time just flies by! We have a great life and I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. We were supposed to have a weekend in Charleston for our anniversary. We decided that new furniture for our new house was a better idea.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The week has just flown by. Sophie has been sick with an ear infection and a cold all week. Lexie and JW are good, busy with school and the beautiful weather. My inlaws are heading into town today. Our home inspection and walk through is tomorrow. I'm packing things up, but it's going slower than I would like. It's been hard with a 4yr old hanging off of me all week. Tonight we're taking the kids to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. They've been excited about seeing this since they first saw the trailer months ago. Sophie knows all the words to the chihuahua song. Ben can't wait to see it either. He just adores our chi Salsa (I'm rolling my eyes as I type).