Friday, October 3, 2008

The week has just flown by. Sophie has been sick with an ear infection and a cold all week. Lexie and JW are good, busy with school and the beautiful weather. My inlaws are heading into town today. Our home inspection and walk through is tomorrow. I'm packing things up, but it's going slower than I would like. It's been hard with a 4yr old hanging off of me all week. Tonight we're taking the kids to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. They've been excited about seeing this since they first saw the trailer months ago. Sophie knows all the words to the chihuahua song. Ben can't wait to see it either. He just adores our chi Salsa (I'm rolling my eyes as I type).


Andy and Jen said...

Do you really spend your days eating bon bons? I definitely believe the romance novels. :o)

heather said...

I'm still a sucker for the romance novels, that hasn't changed. The older two have the same bad reading habits I do. Lexie has been forbidden by her teachers to bring books to school :0) Memories!