Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hunting with daddy

John William and Ben went hunting Monday night and Tuesday. Ben took him last year for the day but this is the first overnight trip that they've taken together. They spent a cold night in the camper and the day in a tree stand. John William got to drive the four wheeler all by himself. He was so excited to miss school and wear all his new hunting gear (just like dads :)) After a slow day they shot a deer right before the sun went down. They were both tired and ready for a hot shower and a bed when they got home late Tues night. John William couldn't wait to go to school and tell all his friends about his trip. The girls and I believe that we had lots more fun cuddled up in bed drinking hot chocolate and watching movies.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Things I'm thankful for:

I'm thankful for my wonderful kids, even when they are mean to each other and talk back and don't clean up their rooms

I'm thankful for my husband who I love with all my heart, I'm really thankful that he's in the kitchen washing dishes so I don't have to

I'm thankful for my family, it's nice to have them close by

I'm thankful for Kimie's new baby and the sweet little boys that are here now, when I miss having a little tiny one around I can go and snuggle hers

I'm thankful that Ben's family is here to spend the holiday with us

I'm thankful for all of my animals, I love each and every one of them

I'm thankful for my house, I just wish it were cleaner

I'm thankful for the wonderful dinner that my mom is cooking

There are so many more things I'm thankful for but I have to go make breakfast now :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Trip

Outside of our hotel

the Strip

the water show at the Bellagio

another picture of our hotel

Robin :)
I don't even know where to start. Robin and I had such a great time. Everything was even better than I expected. We crammed so much in to our time in Vegas. Of course we didn't get much sleep. We got to town Friday afternoon and picked up our rental car.We stayed at the New York, New York Hotel. It was beautiful! There is so much going on all the time. We checked in and got something to eat. We got cleaned up and went to see our first show. We saw the Thunder from Down Under and all I can say is WOW! I screamed until I lost my voice. We went to Coyote Ugly for a beer and realized that we had way too many clothes on and that we were way too old for that bar. We gambled our $10 away on the slot machines and ate dinner and headed to bed.
On Sat we got up and spent the day sight seeing. The city is really beautiful. We got all dressed up and headed to Mary's wedding. It was beautiful. We had such a good time. The reception was on a yacht on Lake Mead. We ate and danced and had a blast.
On Sunday we slept in and had room service and headed to the spa for a pedicure. We rode the roller coaster that was in and around our hotel. We saw another show and went shopping in the amazing shops. We had dinner at a great restaurant in the MGM Grand and took a taxi back to our hotel since our feet were exhausted.
There is so much that I'm forgetting. We did and saw so much. It was nice being with Robin and enjoying a break from the kids. Ben did a great job and the kids had fun spending time just with him.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Countdown to Vegas

I am getting so excited. I leave on Friday to go to Vegas with Robin. Wouldn't you know it, Sophie started with a cold last night. Isn't that always the way it goes? Lexie's bladder infection started hurting again today too, so I guess we'll be making a trip to the dr tomorrow. It's been a long day and the Halloween candy is calling my name. I put it all in a bag today when I was cleaning up and I'm throwing it all away. Somehow, Sophie keeps getting into it and has been on a sugar high for days. I have so much to get done this week. I wasn't very smart and planned a fall party for Lexie's class on Wed. I'm her room mom. Lexie is getting her braces off on Wed morning before the party. She's so excited! Now I just have to find time to finish shopping for clothes to take on my trip and catch up on all the laundry before I go. I found a great dress to wear to the wedding in Vegas. It's going to feel nice to get really dressed up and out of my jeans for a change.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Lexie the peacock, her nana and gram made this for her

Sophie the princess with Bunny

John-William the army guy

The whole crew

The kids had such a good time last night. This was the first Halloween that Sophie understood what the deal was. She was so excited about ringing the doorbells. We walked all around the neighborhood. Bella the guard dog :) went with us. She is such a chicken, but she loves being around all the kids. One of our neighbors was sitting in a chair, very still, with a mask on and scared the kids. After that Sophie wanted her daddy to walk her up to the door. After the kids filled their buckets we went to Aunt Kimie's house. Jack and Sam were'nt feeling well so we went to show them the kids costumes, then off to Nana and Papas house to show off. Everyone was tired today.