Sunday, November 4, 2007

Countdown to Vegas

I am getting so excited. I leave on Friday to go to Vegas with Robin. Wouldn't you know it, Sophie started with a cold last night. Isn't that always the way it goes? Lexie's bladder infection started hurting again today too, so I guess we'll be making a trip to the dr tomorrow. It's been a long day and the Halloween candy is calling my name. I put it all in a bag today when I was cleaning up and I'm throwing it all away. Somehow, Sophie keeps getting into it and has been on a sugar high for days. I have so much to get done this week. I wasn't very smart and planned a fall party for Lexie's class on Wed. I'm her room mom. Lexie is getting her braces off on Wed morning before the party. She's so excited! Now I just have to find time to finish shopping for clothes to take on my trip and catch up on all the laundry before I go. I found a great dress to wear to the wedding in Vegas. It's going to feel nice to get really dressed up and out of my jeans for a change.

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