Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Break

Easter was nice and the kids got a ton of candy and some new clothes thanks to the easter bunny and Nana. Thank you Aunt Kimie for the giant stuffed lamb that is the size of Sophie. Kimie knows how much I love stuffed animals(add sarcasm) and feeds Lexie's obsession with them every chance she gets. We went to church and had a delicious dinner with my parents. Mom and Dad set up an egg hunt for the kids too. This week all 3 kids have spring break. My camera needs new batteries so I have no pictures. Monday it was cold and windy so we ran errands and went to the library to stock up on books. Tuesday we played outside and the kids fought all day until I wanted to sell them online :). Wednesday I woke up with a stomach bug and started throwing up. My wonderful husband came home and took the kids to the park. They went to Dan Nicholas Park about an hour from our house. It has so many things for them to do. They went on a carousel ride, a train ride, played putt putt golf, mined for gems, saw bears, wolves and other animals in the zoo and went out in a paddle boat. Then they played on the playground. Ben brought them home in time for bed. He is so great! Today, I feel much better. I took the kids with me to my bible study. Then we had to hurry home for the Invisible Fence guy to come. All week long I've been telling Ben that I heard a beeping noise downstairs. He can't hear it and thinks I'm crazy. One of our labs decided to go down the street, and then all 3 dogs left the yard. Ben went under the house and discovered our fence wasn't working. I wasn't crazy after all. Our neighbors had planted some cypress trees on the property line and it ended up being too close to our side and cut our fence. What a pain! John William has a friend spending the night tonight and Lexie has one coming over tomorrow to sleep over. It's been a busy week and gone by really fast. I just hope no one else gets sick! Now if I could only catch up on my laundry!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Party

I am Lexie's 5th grade class room mom. Today was her Easter party. We had so much fun! We had a yummy lunch and then an egg hunt. Sophie had her preschool party today also. I'm so thankful that I have my mom here to help out when things are doublebooked :). She went to Sophie's party and they both had a great time eating and coloring eggs. Although someone forgot to hard boil some of the eggs (not me), so they had to be thrown away. I took some pictures of Lexie's class and of course she is the only one you can't see. Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with Lexie's class to Old Salem. Sophie is excited to spend the day at her Nana's house. Friday, Ben has the day off so we are finally going to see the Easter Bunny. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that everyone stays healthy.

Friday, March 14, 2008

History Repeats Itself

Last night during dinner Lexie was telling me that a boy in her class had asked her out. I had flashbacks of telling my dad the same thing and I remember him asking me "well where are you going". I looked at my baby girl and just had to ask the same question. She just looked at me like I was stupid and tried to explain that she wasn't really going anywhere. I couldn't help but laugh and call my dad to tell him. It's hard to believe that my baby is so grown up. I remember 6th grade and being madly in love with Joey Piccatagi. I was just a little older than Lex.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

G.I. Diego

John William had a great time playing "army dog" with Diego yesterday. He's so cute!

Ben left Sunday for a business trip to Pennsylvania. He won't be home until Sat. I hate when he's gone. Even with all the pets and kids, the house just seems too quiet at night. Following tradition, as soon as he left one of the kids got sick. Sophie has strep throat and pink eye. What a combo. Our doctor told me that true pink eye is a form of the strep virus. Who knew? So since Sophie's been feeling crummy, she's been keeping me company in bed by snuggling with me all night. My mom is home right now with a stomach bug and one of Kimie's boys was sick this weekend with it too. I'm hoping that we avoid that illness!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Last night Lexie spent the night at her friend Atalie's house and John William slept at my Mom and Dad's. Since we just had Sophie, Ben and I took her out to dinner and then shopping at Target. Since Daddy is a sucker for his little girl we ended up with an Ariel costume and a doll that goes in the bathtub. She was so cute. After Sophie went to bed, Ben and I watched a movie. When we checked in on Sophie before we went to bed we got a big suprise. She had gotten into a tube of Desitin left over from her baby days and painted herself and her bed with it. Then she put on her Ariel costume and went to sleep. What a mess! We never heard a thing. This morning we asked her what happened and she told us that John William did it :)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring Pictures

We took the kids to have their pictures done today. The weather was beautiful and they looked so cute! They are growing up so fast and are such great kids. I am so blessed to be their mom. Of course, I wasn't thinking that when John William was climbing up the waterfall when Melody was trying to take his picture or when Sophie was talking back when it was time to go home. Ben's back has been out since Thurs. It's been a long weekend for him and he'll be heading to the dr tomorrow. Hopefully, he's feeling better soon, he hates just sitting around and is going a little stir crazy.


I have a problem, I know I do. I am an animal adict. I got a new puppy this weekend. Diego is a 8 week old, long hair chihuahua. He weighs 1.2lbs now and probably won't be bigger than 4lbs. He is such a cutie and seems to really like Ben. :) He cleaned up the mustard that Ben spilled on his shirt at dinner tonight and then curled up for a nap on Ben's neck. He fits right in to our crazy house. The more the merrier.