Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Party

I am Lexie's 5th grade class room mom. Today was her Easter party. We had so much fun! We had a yummy lunch and then an egg hunt. Sophie had her preschool party today also. I'm so thankful that I have my mom here to help out when things are doublebooked :). She went to Sophie's party and they both had a great time eating and coloring eggs. Although someone forgot to hard boil some of the eggs (not me), so they had to be thrown away. I took some pictures of Lexie's class and of course she is the only one you can't see. Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with Lexie's class to Old Salem. Sophie is excited to spend the day at her Nana's house. Friday, Ben has the day off so we are finally going to see the Easter Bunny. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that everyone stays healthy.

1 comment:

Andy and Jen said...

That is so funny that someone forgot to hard boil the eggs. Congratulations on not being that mom. :)