Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hair cuts and lipstick

The kids had Fri off last week and went with me when I got my haircut. Lexie decided to get hers cut too. She REALLY got a haircut. I love it! She looks so cute when she flips it out.
Today Sophie got into my purse and put on some "makeup". She wanted me to take a picture because she thought she was beautiful :)

Some sad news, Ben's Aunt Caroline passed away last night. She has been fighting cancer and was in so much pain. Ben's parents were able to spend last week with her and say goodbye. Ben will be flying to Michigan tomorrow to be with everyone for her funeral.


Andy and Jen said...

Sophie actually did a pretty good job with the lipstick. You've got a little diva in training.

Jamie said...

I love Lexie's hair short, it looks so cute on her! Sophie looks quite adorable with moms lipstick on.