Thursday, January 31, 2008


John William lost a tooth yesterday. He just pulled it out at school. I didn't even know it was loose. The tooth fairy came and brought him $2. Lexie has lost 2 teeth since Christmas. She hasn't put them under her pillow. It makes me sad that she's outgrown the tooth fairy and Santa. Of course when she wants money for something I'm sure she'll remember her teeth.

Lexie has a little grey kitty named Gracie. We got her when Lex was 4. She adores Lexie and sleeps with her every night. Last night when we checked on the kids before we went to bed we found Gracie all curled up with Sophie. I had to take a picture cause they were so cute.

1 comment:

Andy and Jen said...

Wow, I'm glad my kids don't know your kids because our tooth fairy only pays $1. I would never hear the end of it!