Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hospital Stay

Lexie has been feeling sick to her stomach since Thursday. She's had sharp pains and trouble sleeping. After a long night I took her to the Children's Hospital in Charlotte on Sunday morning. They looked at her stomach, took a urine sample and sent us home. Monday she started summer school. I made her a doctors apt with our pediatrician for that afternoon. The school called and she was doubled over sick, so I went and picked her up and took her straight to the dr. After checking her out our ped admitted her to the hospital to rule out a problem with her appendix. Any trip to the hospital means hours of waiting. They put us in a room and ran blood tests and did a CT scan of her stomach. It was late by the time the results came in. They let her eat something bland around 9. A little bit later she complained that her lips itched. We turned on the light and her lips were swollen. She was having an allergic reaction to something. So after fighting with the nurse who was taking her sweet time giving us Benadryl (I had some in my purse and was going to give it to her if they didn't hurry it up), they finally gave her some. Then they kept waking her up every hour to check and see how she was. Her xray was clear so it ruled out her appendix. The doctor thinks that she has acid reflux. She's been worried about summer school and her dad being gone, she hasn't eaten well and all of that is making her sick. She's on meds for the next 2 months to heal the damage that's been done. It's already helping her feel better. She was so glad to get her IV out and come home and take a shower (me too). Mom and Dad kept the younger two kids overnight for me. My wonderful neighbors took care of all our animals on really short notice. Denise just loves all our pets and came over and played with them and brought my mail in and did some dishes. She's so great! My other neighbor Melanie took the dogs out while Denise was at work. I had so many phone calls and offers for help, I really appreciate all our friends looking out for us while Ben's gone.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Sorry to hear that Lexie's been so sick. Hopefully the meds will kick in and make her feel better soon!