Thursday, August 30, 2007

I hate fundraising

Yes, I understand how important fundraising is when my children are in a small christian school. That being said, I really hate going door to door or chasing down my friends and asking them to buy something. UGGGGGG! And if my kids each sell 10 things they get to go to a big party with bouncy houses and ice cream. So, they HAVE to sell 10 things. Of course I end up buying most of it. Every other parent I know is already drowning in wrapping paper and candy from their own child. Anyway, I just realized that the packet has been sitting on my desk for almost 10 days and I haven't even opened it ( can you tell how often I clean off the top of my desk?). And they have to turn it in on Wed. So I guess everyone is getting wrapping paper as a gift this year :) Merry Christmas!

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