Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Strawberry picking

Ben has had my camera in his truck for a week so I have no pictures, sorry. Last week John William and I went on a field trip to pick strawberries. We had such a great time. I enjoyed spending time alone with my boy. Sat. Ben and John William went turkey hunting. They did not see a turkey, but they had fun picking ticks off of each other (gross)! While they hunted, I took the girls strawberry picking. Kimie and her boys went with us. It was so much fun. The kids all got a basket and we carried Sam and his stroller out into the field. Sophie and Jack were so cute. They were red, head to toe. Lexie searched for the biggest berries and did a great job. Kimie was a little too pregnant and bending over was too much for her, so we filled up her basket too. We went on a wagon ride and did face painting and ate lunch. Lots of fun. John William got a new bike this weekend. His had gotten really small. He's growing like a weed. Ben was showing off on the bike trying to do tricks. Lexie was riding her bike and started laughing so hard at her dad that she fell off and skinned her knee. Lexie has had a crappy attitude and I'm not looking forward to the future years with her. Ben got a taste of her mouth this weekend so right now she's memorizing a bible verse on gratefullness to recite so she can have her ipod back :). Ben is waiting on his passport to be ready. He's set to travel at the end of the month.

1 comment:

Andy and Jen said...

The strawberries from our field trip were gone within 2 days. So, you have a preteen girl developing an attitude huh. Buckle up honey, you're in for a ride. :)